

The topic my hexagon encompasses is nature conservation.  Conserving nature is important because we depend on it in our lives.  If we don’t help to protect it, it will vanish and so will us.  My hexagon portrayed three major problems that are occurring all over the world: water pollution, deforestation, and landfills.  All three of these issues are ruining nature’s serenity and beauty.  I used different types of paper, colored pencils, markers, and a computer image to make my hexagon. In the center is the Earth and a big recycling symbol behind it to show one way we could solve this problem. Nature conservation is important to me because I love the outdoors, and I don’t want it to become a big trash bin.  We all have to live here and generations to come must also, so let’s keep it the way we found it: beautiful and innocent.


By: Karina P.

      Global Warming is a HUGE problem nowadays. Different organizations like Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, and Spring Alliance have a lot of campaigns going on to try and end the problem of global warming. Some things that you can do to stop global warming is use less hot water, turn off unneeded lights, recycle, avoid packaging, and only run a full dishwasher, or washing machine. We have to cherish our planet because we have ONE Earth, and one Earth only.

I used pictures from the web because it would give me an accurate portrayal of what is going on in the world about hunger and poverty. I chose this media because my topic was interesting enough to find a lot of high quality pictures. I also chose this topic because I can relate to it. I  know some people who do not have a lot of money. I thought that since I know this I was able to create a good project based on facts I know from my own experience. 

Lack of money is directly related to hunger and poverty; if you do not have a lot of money you are not able to afford to buy food to support your family. There are charities around the world that are helping this cause; one of these charities is UNICEF. 

This is important to me because right now we are in a tough economy. I know people specifically that are having these troubles. I want to help out these people because while every person is equal, not everyone has the same standard of living. We have to work on this so the world can be poverty free, or at least there will be a decreased number of people affected. 

I specifically took pictures about these two topics and I input these pictures on my hexagon. One of these pictures was a picture of a $100 dollar bill. This symbolizes money something not all people have, which is money. I also took a picture about the 2011 hunger map. This map shows where in the world there is the most people that can not afford to buy food, which leaves them with having basically nothing to eat. I also put a picture of a little baby who is suffering from malnutrition. He is very skinny, he is so skinny that you are able to see his rib cage. The headline of the article I used is 20,000 die each day. This symbolizes that there are a lot of people out in the world who are dying because of hunger. I also put a picture of some healthy veggies. This symbolizes food which is something not everybody has.

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1.02 billion people in the world are hungry. Every year, 15 million children die of starvation. Organizations that are helping are: Cross-Cultural Solutions, Feed the Children, UNICEF, A Day of Hope, CARE, Walk Against Hunger, and Feed My Starving Children. Also, a single person can help by contributing to food drives, soup kitchens, and you can donate money. This topic is important to me because I don’t think this many children should die every year. It’s good that many organizations are helping, but more people need to help out or else starvation will never get better.

I put rice on my hexagon because that’s what people can donate, or send because it can be packaged. I cut out a hand on construction paper because it symbolizes that kids reach out for food. For my background, I colored it yellow; I did that because tons of people hardly eat, and therefore all they have in their stomachs is bile. All of the text support I used are ways everyone can help and ways to stop hunger.  

Acid rain is a problem all over the world. It is one contributor that negatively reinforces the unhealthy problem of pollution. Sometimes acid rain can be something we don’t think we are contributing to, but we can be every day of our lives. Two thirds of the sulfer dioxide and one forth of the nitrogen oxides contained in acid rain comes from burning fossil fuels in the U.S. alone. Data shows that the PH of acid rain is 4.3. Keep in mind that pure water has a PH of 7.0. However, there are little things we can do to prevent these problems. We use our cars almost everyday; just by using alternative energy sources to run them, like batteries, can help.  

Prevention of acid rain is important to the world. I love what Mother Nature has left us on our beautiful and only Earth. It is important to me that we preserve that beauty we have, not only for the environment, but for the sake of our own health.

I chose to divide my hexagon in half. On the top half, I drew acid rain affecting a flower. It is has dark colors and is in all black and white. The flower is wilting. On the other half, I drew clean rain and a healthy flower, with pleasant and colors. The flowers not only represent what acid rain can do to nature and our environment, but to ourselves.  I also wrote a few lines of poetry on my hexagon, to support that path of the flower in a different representation: The flower is wilting, but we can help it.  I used colored pencil in my artwork because they give it detail, dimension, color, and a soft look.

I chose the issue of terrorism because it impacts people and places all around the world and needs to be stopped. The Middle East is a main location that is affected by terrorism. However, the U.S was attacked on September 11th, 2001. The Twin towers got hit by terrorists in airplanes. This tragic day will never be forgotten. I decorated my hexagon to show not the negative but the positive side. In the background I used red glitter and sliver tin foil for the American flag covering the back. I chose these because I knew it would stand out. Then I added the date of the twin tower destruction, 9/11/01. To show positivity in my project I added the words, HOPE, STRENGTH, DREAM, and COURAGE.  These words are powerful and meaningful to the affects of 9/11 and the issue. 

There are many organizations to stop terrorism. Since terrorism is such big issue and takes over most of the globe it’s hard to stop completely. It is important to me that terrorism is stopped because it puts many people in danger. 9/11 created death situation around the world.
The subject of my hexagon is September 11th 2001. So on my hexagon I put the date and an American flag in the background.


_Global Warming Payton C.

Media used: Pictures off the internet-collage

         My issue, global warming, is significant because it is impacting nature all around the world. It occurs in the oceans and on land. I put polar bears and penguins on ice on my hexagon because the ice is melting and they have nowhere to go. I put an image of an animal drinking from a very small stream because drought is soaking up the water. I also have a tree stump with a bunch of cracks in the ground because of the drought. Lastly there is ice melting so it all is falling in my final picture.

         This is important to me because I love animals and our earth. Global warming is significant to the world because we only have one earth. We can’t destroy earth. We have to preserve it.

Amy Kruse
I used colored pencils and sharpies.

Air pollution is a terrible problem that keeps getting worse. There are many things people can do to not create so much air pollution. Most people though, don’t do the easy things to stop air pollution. Not only does air pollution affect the environment but, it affects our lungs. This issue is important to me because every time I go to Chicago I notice the foggy smoky air. I have been to New York too and the problem is even worse there. Most people don’t even know that this issue is speeding up global warming and killing our earth. I wanted to give some awareness to an issue that people could easily help fix. The smoke stacks in my artwork represent the buildings of the Chicago skyline. And I used darker colors because it is a dark, sad issue. 

Anna D.

The world-wide significance of rain forests being destroyed is that it is ruining the environment. The more trees we cut down, the more species we are killing. There are thousands of plants and animals that we never discovered because they became extinct. If we hadn’t destroyed their habitat we could have not only discovered them, but learned so much about them.

This is important to me because I really enjoy being outside, but much of it is being destroyed. Also, I really like animals, but their homes and habitats are disappearing. One thing being done to stop the destruction of rainforests is that forest preserves are being established. In these areas the trees and other species are protected.

The media I used to create my hexagon was markers, pencils, colored pencils, and tissue paper. I used marker for the letters and tree trunk. I used red, orange, and yellow marker for the flames of the trees being burnt down. I used the pencil to make it look like there was smoke coming off of my hexagon. The colored pencils were used for the trees being cut down in the background. For the one tree that was still alive in my picture, I crumpled green tissue paper and glued it on to the tree to make it look leafy and bright.  To symbolize the issue I drew many trees being burned and cut down with only one left standing. This represented that the majority of rainforests are being destroyed.

    Emily Erickson Cook

    _National Board Certified Art Teacher
    Technology Specialist Endorsed
    Curriculum and Instruction M.Ed

    I teach middle school art in the suburban Chicago area. This project has allowed my eighth grade students to confront global issues and to have an artistic voice that expresses their concerns and passions that one day just might change the world.

    Amy Weiss

    Global Perspectives Teacher
    World History, U.S. History, and Social Studies Endorsed
    Curriculum and Instruction M.Ed

    I teach with Emily Cook in a Chicago suburban school. While my students have learned about global issues in the past, this project allowed them to see that these are not problems that people in other places in the world have to deal with, but rather, that these are world problems, and since we all have a civic responsibility to the world, these are our problems too.


    March 2013
    October 2012
    March 2012
    February 2012


    Child Soldiers
    Endangered Species