Vince Reisel


effects people all over the world. The most recent genocides have been the Bosnisn Muslim, Armenian, Holocaust, and the Rwandan genocide.This could happen
to any race if the other races believe in something else and they believe that
race is extremely wrong. Genocide is a terrible thing that
means a killing and torturing of a particular race. This is as bad as racism can
possibly get. I believe this should be stopped because all people should be
treated equal, but this is not the case. These people are getting killed for
horrific reasons, and it is completely unnecessary. I believe it is horrible and
it must stop.I used red paint and spattered it all over my hexagon to represent
all of the blood and all the death that is the result of genocide. I used a
brownish green to paint genocide to represent how horrible and sick genocide is.
I used stop sign images to represent that genocide must be stopped. I also used
and image of a woman crying about her losses of her husband and children. This
shows that genocide ruins millions of lives.

Carly Glassman
In America we have many problems but the main problem is War. Roughly 56 million die each year from war. War is putting innocent people at risk because they are fighting other people's problems but they are doing it to protect the country. War is not wanted and the parents have there sons or daughters going off to war. An estimate 5,000,000 people are drafted to war each year.

The number of people who are against war is bigger then most people would think. People are fighting for the war to end but nobody is doing anything about it. In the 1960's people protested about war and that is still the issue now.

Katy M
Air pollution affects many people around the world today. It is a major cause of asthma attacks. About 30% of childhood asthma attacks are from air pollution from factories and cars. These asthma attacks are costing the nation $2 billion a year.

My hexagon shows the Earth as being sparkly and clean. That represents how the Earth could be if there was no pollution. Around the Earth are factories, cars, houses, and buses. These objects cause air pollution. Finally there are windmills surrounding the Earth. This shows how we can help stop pollution and make the Earth a better place to live in.

Roanan O.
Stop endangerment
I used images from the internet, and paint.This problem could affect the ego system of many different countries and places, because this issue is prevalent everywhere. This is important to me because I am passionate about animals, and want to help them.In my piece of art work, I put a few different types of endangered animals on it. I also put it on a darker coloured background so that the images would pop more, and so that it would create a more thoughtful mood. I feel that this is important because if the order of the food chain for example got messed up do to endangerment, it could make the population of other animals change greatly. This can be changed, if more people were convinced to help this issue, but unfortunately most do not see the significance of it.

Ronnie ahlstrand


My hexigon is about global warming and the effect of it.

My picture is of the world burning I drew that picture because it showed how the world is heating up and the polar ice caps are melting  and heating up because of pollushion and carben dioxcide. They say that 31million tons of c.d is realiased every day  and that water has rose 17.5 cm in 100 years. 31,000 people are helping global warming and finding a way to get the ozone layer back and try to save the animals in the poles. The do something program has made slow progress but they are helping.

Adeline D.
In the world there are many wars going on, and they affect many people.  These people include the people who are fighting in the war, and the people who live where the wars are taking place.  In the future, we should be able to have minimal wars and try to get along with others as well as we can, because then we may be able to achieve some world peace.  This is important because if people in the world aren’t getting along, there will be more violence and less kindness.  This hexagon, it represents the war that is going on, and the peace we can together try to achieve.  The Earth symbolizes all of the people who live there who are affected by war, are the starters of war, and even the people who want world peace and are trying to create it.  To create this, I used metallic paper as my background, Sharpie to write World Peace and draw my symbols of war and peace.  Also, I used blue and green paint, and applied it with paint brushes.  Then, I glued the metallic paper down to the cardboard.

I have been deeply moved by the effects of global warming on animals. My hexagon is of endangered animals that have taken a toll from global warming. Such as the baby seal, snow leopard, polar bears and penguins. The news text is to make it look almost as if it were an article. The concern that my article is stating is, “Ice-busting storms and warmer waters from the rising temperatures are destroying the ice cover that harp seals need to survive during their first vulnerable weeks in life.” Brian J. Skerry, National Geographic. The thought of animals being killed by our selfish ways just makes me infuriated, that is what compelled me to do this topic.

This concern is most relevant in northeastern Canada, eastern Greenland and northwestern Russia. Some incredible statistics of these horrid occurrences are; in 2007, 75% of pups perished because of poor ice conditions. In 2010 almost none survived. An organization trying to solve this epidemic is the Sea~Thos Foundation. To improve this problem, people have been trying to stop global warming and creating safer homes for the harp seals.

            The worldwide cause that I did was Child Abuse.  I choose this category because it happens all around the world.   For my artwork I choose dark colors as the background representing that it was bad thing.  I also used the blue ribbon because it is prevent child abuse symbol.  I wrote different sayings around the edge in white colored pencil.  I used glitter next to the ribbon to represent a kid crying.   Lastly I put a picture of a kid crying on the other side of the ribbon.  This subject is important to me because at this moment I am a kid and it can happen to me.

Scott G.
My hexagon is faced toward the issue of terrorism. Terrorism is something that affects millions of people's lives everywhere. The act of terrorism is most common in the Middle East, because of the high level of security of wealthier nations. But since the attacks on the Twin Towers in New York on 9/11 we have been determined to end this threat to the world. Since that attack on the united states more than 62,570 to 1,124,000 people have lost their lives. That is just in America, imagine w
hat is going on in the Middle East where it is accuring most. Millions of people's live ruined because of this. Counter Terrorism groups are located all around the world, they are primarily made up of military, government, and police forces. They are all working to end the threats to this country and and countries all around the world.

For my hexagon I drew a fist holding the Aerican flag, this represents of fight for freedom from this threat.

Arieana U.
World Hunger

For my hexagon, I picked world hunger. I have picked this issue because, anyone who knows me, the true me, knows that I hate to see anyone suffer. For me, I hope that one day we can all take to count the time, and help out these people, who try to fight for each day, while we all get it handed to us. Each day. And to one day, help end world hunger would not only mean that all nations can agree on something, it means that all the people put aside their differences and looked at what can be changed. In my hexagon, I used markers, colored pencils, a sharpie, pictures of different foods, and words. The food within the hexagon, means, everything we get each day, but others suffer to get. The colors I picked, the blue for the top, is to be the sky, the blue sky that we see each day, and the others might see as their last because they end up passing that day due to starvation. It also is to help us, see what those people might also be thinking of, and that is why the words are in the bubbles, thought bubbles. The words in the picture of Africa, is the things they all would be saying to each other. What they might feel, what they might think, and finally, what they might say. As to black on the bottom, used with the markers, is to show that we need to step up to what is out there, take a risk. Share, and realize that we have it good. We are on the easy side of things, and it needs to change. We get food everyday. Whenever we are hungry we hungry we walk into our kitchen, and look around When the truth is, others may not be able to do that. At all. Its to show that we take our everyday lives, to advantage and we take our food, to that same spot. As of the words said on the hexagon, i hope that rings a bell, that how if we were to give them food, that it would bring a smile to their faces, to actually have them all feel that someone cares and is going to help out. That they can live another day, that they didn’t have to worry about food for that day. It would be a weight lifted off of the shoulders for almost everyone in Africa. I feel that this is issue, and can be closed down, if we all step up to the plate, and help out. Even in the littlest ways. We all can change this, but you have to start at the bottom, and work your way up.