"Stand Up"

By: Demi T.

My hexagon is called “Stand Up” to show people that you should stand up to bullying. This topic concerns everyone because 1 out of 7 K-12 children are either a bully or a victim. There are many organizations that help against bullying. One most known is the NOH8 foundation. In order to make my hexagon I used paper clips for the border to show that being nice to someone being bullied might change their lives and then they will do a good deed. Pretty soon, you have started a chain reaction. I also used a lot of markers and some scraps of paper to make an eye and a flower. This is extremely important to me because I don’t think someone’s life should end just because of a troubled person. I hope that my message gets across to stop bullying and stand up to bullies. Also, step in when you see someone being bullied. You’ll be their hero and you may have just saved a life.

Leah C
10/3/2012 08:15:46 am

Good job Demi! I love the paper clips around the hexagon.

Rebecca M.
10/3/2012 08:19:10 am

This is SO GOOD!!!! The fist really looks cool being red and blackish gray! I love the eye crying into a flower. It really symbolizes how someone's tears and pain can form them into something beautiful and it is extremely symbolic! I also love the paper clips all united. REALLY GOOD!!!!!!


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